Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prometheus - A Movie About Evil Idiot Humans

Prometheus (2012) is supposively a movie about human scientists searching and finding the origins of the human race. Except there isn't one scientists in the entire movie.

There are many humans claiming to be scientists, but apparently in the year 2093 scientists have completely forgotten the scientific method, or perhaps more likely, have abandoned it for self-indulgent fantasies. Let me be clear: finding another alien race does not mean they are our creators. Yet that is the conclusion they immediately jump to, without any thought or examination.

Then there's the fact that in all this future tech, they are utterly unprepared for any possibility. They're unprepared for a silicon storm; they're unprepared for life forms of any kind!; they're unprepared for quarantine scenarios; they're unprepared to do an abortion operation (someone was telling me you can just take pills or something? nowadays...). How could a large complex "science" mission, funded by a massive corporation, not be prepared for any contingency?

And what was with that fake-"Superman" music? It was so out of place.

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