I recently watch Super (2010) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1512235/.
All around I think it is a fantastic film. There have been a number of films recently that have focused on an average person trying to be Batman (Kick-Ass, Special (2006), ....uh....); ok just those three then. But of all of them Super does the best job of being funny, being real, and still coming to a satisfactory conclusion.
Ugh. There's this one small problem. There is an effect that is used...that quite frankly felt out of place; I am also convinced that it ruins the pacing of...well...one scene. This effect only appears twice in the film, which is part of the reason it feels out of place.
The Effect: Super punches a criminal. Freeze in mid contact. A "Adam-West-Batman" Pow cartoon pops up (words in front of criminal, "pow" explosion behind criminal).
So first it happens when he punches a criminal, totally in the middle of the film! I am watching the film, and then I do a double-take. "What?-What?!" He's punched criminals before and nothing, and he punches criminals later and nothing happens. Out-Of-The-Blue.
The next and last time it happens is in the middle of the climatic fight sequence. They do it four or five times here, but each time the screen freezes for a sec. The pacing slows and this monumental emotional vengeance fight sequence starts...then stops...then starts...then stops....
Don't misunderstand the effect, perhaps graphic is a better description, looks freakin' awesome. It's just doesn't belong in this film.
It's almost as if the creators had finished production and were almost done with post-production, when Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) came out in theaters. "Oh we need cool stuff like that in our film too!"
NO. No you do not.
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