Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Southland Tales - bored....still bored

While it's not uncommon nowadays for a movie to be 2 1/2 hours long, it does not mean that such a length is necessary or even good. But the length of Southland Tales isn't the biggest problem; it's simply a symptom of the real problem.

A narrator, in movies, typically adds redudnacies or elements the creator failed to include; it should be avoided if at all possible. Still the narrative in Southland Tales isn't the problem, but another symptom.

In order to have well-rounded characters, a movie needs to have multiple scenes in which the characters are confronted with a dilema(s) and find solutions. Ideally the principle characters try different solutions (in various scenes) before they arrive at a "satisfactory" solution. Since the characters only have stereo-typical personalities and no character development, one might think that this is the problem with Southland Tales: symptom.

When handling a future or near-future movie, it is ideal to fill the viewer in as quickly as possible with little exposition; the viewer should be able to lose him/herself in the story. While Southland Tales avoids exposition for the most part, the movie is confusing enough to draw the viewer out of the movie, to ask "what is going on?".

True science fiction stories have a foundation in science before "jumping the shark" into fiction. Done well, a non-scientist will suspend disbelief and accept the events that play out before him/her. Although a science fiction story, like Southland Tales, that is not founded in science will quickly become a farce, a joke. When even the non-scientist says to him/herself, "Wait. That doesn't make any all.", then the mood/the emotions/the interest is lost.

All these symptoms are not the real problem; the real problem, I guess they are, actually.

There's not really anything good to complement this movie, the production value is good? there's music by Moby? (yea, yea, I know, that doesn't count as good) there's a lot of good actors (with terrible to no roles to perform)?

OH! I know.

Seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar as a (typical) porn star was very arousing (even with no nudity).

Pass on this movie, unless you are literally trying to kill two and a half hours.

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