The Technopriests comic, currently released as 3 volumes from Humanoids, is written by Alexandro Jodorowsky, illustrated by Zoran Janjetov, and colored by Fred Beltran. It tells the space saga of a disfunctional family and their eventual odyssey to a new universe.
What makes this comic series so enthralling is the intense creativity. Jodorowsky has imagined an universe that is rich with details and rife with strong characters. Janjetov and Beltran have visualized these detailed space adventures in vivid images. It is a gorgeous comic to read as there are a wealth of settings individualized by intricate textures and structures.
The story is quite elaborate and traverses across the universe in all directions. While none of the characters or settings have any specific connection to what we know of as reality, there are still the common emotions that we have all felt: jealousy, love, anger, pride, forgiveness, sadness, cruelty, greed, happiness. Whether one agrees with an individual character's choices or not, one can easily sympathize with the character as his/her motivations are akin to ours.
Although the story takes place in space and upon many different planets, it is perhaps more appropriately described as science-fantasy. There are few if any true scientific elements within the comic. However there is a scientific rationale that is used to solve various problems that arise. This gives the story and characters certain boundaries that are held up throughout.
I recommend this comic to fans of crazy space sagas that span entire universes. Expect the unexpected, you techno-readers!
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