Thursday, May 31, 2012

Das Deutsche Kettensagen Massaker (The German Chainsaw Massacre) - AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Das Deutsche Kettensagen Massaker (The German Chainsaw Massacre) or in some places Blackest Heart (not really an appropriate title). The film takes place in the first week of Germany's reunification.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who experienced, studied or has an interest in Germany's reunification. While it can be enjoyed without having involved information on the reunification, there is a secondary level to the characters and their actions that is enhanced by intimate knowledge of German society on both East and West at the time of reunification.

But mostly the film is about normal people versus crazy-chainsaw-knife-weilding people. You know, the crazy people always win in that situation. There are parrallels to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which is obviously a major influence to this director, but it does not get bogged down in an attempt to reproduce said film. It easily takes the idea and creates something new and different.

Well you might find it hard to get your hands on a copy; I watched a PAL version...definitely worth it.

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