Saturday, May 26, 2012

Das Komabrutale Duell - The Ultimate Duel...well, sorta

Das Komabrutale Duell is a fascinating movie, but loses me. It is quite fascinating not only for its extreme exploration of gore, but also in its inventive world of "physics"/"medicine". I'm not sure what the plot is, but if I had to guess it would be two guys hate each other and try to kill each other with weapons, brothers, science, henchmen, and so forth.

I find it difficult to appreciate this film because of its disregard for "threat." The human body is quite fragile in many situations, and yet this movie has a scene in which a brain is transplanted with fingers and hot-glue. And it is successful!! Many of the main characters are stabbed, shot, and mutilated beyond recovery, but they seem to survive. If one can recover from a gun-shot to the head, then why would one fear a gun?

This movie would make more sense with an undead vibe, an immortal theme, or a super-healing atmosphere. Yet it leaves few options, but realism, as its crux.

A fascinating movie, but enjoyable to few...those few who can suspend disbelief for gore-ish pleasure.

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