Thursday, May 3, 2012

Niku Daruma aka Psycho the Snuff Reels - Under Par Torture Porn

This movie is one of many that fit under the genre torture porn. What is torture porn? HERE

It must be noted that I watched this movie without subtitles. And while you might think that I could not possibly be able to watch or analyze this movie without knowing what the actors are saying,'d be wrong. There are two reasons why this is the case, the first is that torture porn rarely relies on a complex plot. Typically these movies set up simple premises to allow the characters to brutally torture the other characters.
The second is that the plot of this movie is (ok. seems to be) about two guys who get a girl and a guy to do a low budget sex movie. Once involved in the sex movie production, these two up the scales by turning it into a torture-fest. The specifics of what the characters say appears to be...well, irrelevant.

There are many different styles of torture porn, but this one seems to follow the simplistic: get a victim, then torture the H E double-hockey sticks out of them. The gold standard of this style is Flowers of Flesh and Blood (the movie that caused (probably drunken) Charlie Sheen to yell "Snuff! Snuff!"). As you can imagine this movie does not rank up there.

Viewers have described this movie as incredibly brutal and painful to watch. I don't quite agree with this. Not only are there few moments of extreme brutalness, but the viewer is easily taken out of the moment by the cheap special effects (if you are using a saw, the bone should be the most difficult part to cut through, not the skin).

This movie is not a hallmark of torture porn. If you like torture porn, this should be lower on you list.

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